Composite Bonding

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Composite bonding can be used for Composite resin veneers or to create Composite bridges. They require minimal tooth preparation so they are a conservative option.

Composite Resin Veneers

Composite resin veneers are full or partial coverings of teeth using composite resin, in order to improve the shape, alignment, length or colour of your teeth.

The upsides of using composite resin – are that they are inexpensive and simple to place and can be repaired easily.

The downsides of composite resin are: they will stain in the short to medium term, and the initial lustre of the composites will dull over time, so they will need to be replaced every so often in order to maintain a certain standard of aesthetic appeal over time.

Composite veneers are completed very easily. We just need to assess what aesthetic result you want in terms of alignment, colour, length, then we assess If adjacent teeth need to be whitened or lengthened in order to blend in with the colour and length you want for the composite veneered teeth for Aesthetic and functional purposes. We complete those preliminary procedures.

Then do your composite veneers. For some very simple cases it may only require 1 visit.

Composite veneers as compared to Porcelain Crowns/ Veneers

Composite veneers do not simulate natural teeth in the same way that porcelain veneers do and whilst they have a decent amount of strength, they don’t have as much strength as porcelain crowns/veneers, so in cases where there are large changes in length/alignment

Also the colour range with composite veneers is not as great as compared to porcelain veneers as composite resins come in standard shades, whereas porcelain veneers can be made in a wide range of shades and can be customised to a much greater extent.

Composite Bridges

Composite bridges can be used to fill gaps where front teeth are missing or severely broken down. The reason why they are used mostly in the front area is because without the hardened framework that exists for a porcelain or porcelain fused to metal bridge, it won’t have enough strength to withstand heavy chewing for the back teeth.

In many cases the composite bridges can be done in 1 visit.

The upsides are: inexpensive and simple to place. They are a good solution if aesthetics is an immediate concern and you aren’t sure what long term option you want to use for a missing tooth (porcelain bridge/implant/denture).

The downsides are: can only be used in non load bearing areas, aren’t as strong as porcelain bridges, are considered temporary, will stain and dull over time.

Composite Bridge